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Escape the Horde

Collaborative Card Game

A Collaborative Card Game That Offers Endless Excitement.

In this fast—paced card game two Factions (Survivors and Infected) fight for supremacy in the Wastelands. Survivors must work together to outrun Patient Zero and their horde of zombies, using weapons, cunning and strategy. Patient Zero and the Infected attack relentlessly trying to infect and Turn all Survivors. 


Survivors win when the last card has been drawn from the Stack and they have not been Turned, or if they survive the Countdown Clock. Patient Zero and Infected Survivors win when they infect and Turn all Survivors. What makes our game so much fun is that all players stay in the game right to the very end — some still as Survivors, others as Infected.


Available now at your local game or hobby store (and if it's not there, make sure you encourage them to get it in!).

Learn-to-Play Days, Game Events & Home Games


5.0 Rating

Player Reviews

"Escape the Horde is a fantastic game that oozes personality and style with its characters and gameplay. Once it hooks its claws into you, it’ll keep you and the whole party entertained and engaged. No one is left out, and no one is safe."

Michaela Picard & Evan Macdonald

- Kickstarter backers

"Really easy to learn with plenty of depth for more experienced gamers, every round will have those priceless moments where the whole table is shouting out or laughing together. This is one of the first games I'd get out for a games night."

James Williams

- player 

"The sheer randomness and variance from one game to another is amazing. The design and artwork is simply outstanding. 10/10."

Reece Timmer

- playtester & Kickstarter backer

5.0 Rating

Store Reviews

“Seriously fun gaming experience! Card and gameplay design has you involved to the end, even when its not your turn. Compact, easy to learn, and perfect for game nights, weekends away, or playing with non-gaming friends."

Flint Rennie

- Gaming DNA

"One of the best card games I have played (test played) and will be backing and selling the game at our store."

Greg Kindell

- Gateway Games

"Escape the horde is one of the best games to come out in 2023! We’ve run group gaming nights at our store recently, everyone has had a lot of fun and played multiple rounds one after the other! Definitely a game we will recommend to everyone and one we will play regularly at the shop, can’t wait for more!"

Brendan & Rachel Rofe

- CardSlayer

"Mate I played the game today it's SOOOOOOO GOOOOD!!!! Such a fun game! Cant wait to play it every week now! You have done an amazing job creating such a fun experience."

Mo Al-Gailani

- Dice Goblin NZ


Fully Funded on Kickstarter 2023

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